Mineral Grey Anti Slip

7 sizes
R11 grip,
V3 variation

While the two compositional solutions are envisaged as alternatives, they can also be used to create mixed layout patterns and interesting juxtapositions with other ceramic surfaces from the Mineral catalogue.‎ The wide range of sizes and the presence of R11 grip surfaces (including a 20 mm thickness) brings a touch of creativity to indoor and outdoor spaces.‎ ANTI SLIP FINISH

order sample

3200 X 1600

1200 X 1200

600 X 1200

800 X 800

600 X 600

Mineral Grey

Mineral also comes in the two versions VEIN and CROSS, which differ graphically in terms of the direction in which the quarried blocks are cut.‎ Vein cutting is the most widely used technique, producing travertine slabs with evident stratifications and strongly directional streaks.‎ In the CROSS version the slabs are cut in the opposite direction, i.‎e.‎ across the veins,creating surfaces with a distinctive light and dark cloudy effect.‎ While the two compositional solutions are envisaged as alternatives, they can also be used to create mixed layout patterns and interesting juxtapositions with other ceramic surfaces from the Mineral catalogue.‎ The wide range of sizes and the presence of R11 grip surfaces (including a 20 mm thickness) brings a touch of creativity to indoor and outdoor spaces.‎ The Mineral surfaces are also available for the exclusive on-demand Bath Design project.‎ The selection of bathroom furniture items, particularly the free standing washbasins, are ideally suited to the monolithic aesthetics of the travertine blocks which further enhance the design of the bathroom.